QgsLayerTreeLayer object has no attribute setName

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Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2019 5:25 am

This is on the first step model
I tried running this on windows, following the instructions very carefully and installing all the modules, but qgis would just crash and output a minidump which didn't actually show what caused the problem when i did step 1
So i tried it on a mac, and instead of it crashing it at least gave me this error: 'QgsLayerTreeLayer' object has no attribute 'setName'
How do i fix this?
Log output:'
Algorithm [step 1] create GPON demand and route line from OSM starting...
Running Check work context [1/16]
Converting outputs
OK. Execution took 0.002 ms (0 outputs).
Running Get work area extent [2/16]
Parameters: INPUT_LAYER =polygon?crs=EPSG:4326&memoryid={9a47a148-b228-4020-bacb-e4061bea3a9d}, CRS =, PROJECT_CRS =True
Converting outputs
OK. Execution took 0.014 ms (1 outputs).
Prepare algorithm: QGISREPROJECTLAYER_3
Running Reproject work area to match OSM [3/16]
Parameters: INPUT =polygon?crs=EPSG:4326&memoryid={9a47a148-b228-4020-bacb-e4061bea3a9d}, TARGET_CRS =EPSG:4326
Converting outputs
OK. Execution took 0.052 ms (1 outputs).
Running Query overpass API with a string [4/16]
Parameters: SERVER =http://overpass-api.de/api/, QUERY_STRING = , EXTENT =-10424412.2061,-10414150.5339,5603610.50958,5607586.8097, NOMINATIM =
Preparing the Overpass query
Downloading data from Overpass
Converting outputs
OK. Execution took 0.965 ms (1 outputs).
Prepare algorithm: QUICKOSMOGRDEFAULT_1
Running OGR default [5/16]
Parameters: FILE =/var/folders/gd/9j5q6zzj6591kmtvd8c349bh0000gp/T/tmpOgvE2m.osm, WHITE_LIST_multipolygons =, WHITE_LIST_multilinestrings =, WHITE_LIST_lines =full_id,osm_id,osm_type,highway, WHITE_LIST_points =
Parsing layer : multipolygons
Parsing layer : multilinestrings
Parsing layer : lines
Parsing layer : points
Creating GeoJSON file : multipolygons
Creating GeoJSON file : multilinestrings
Creating GeoJSON file : lines
Creating GeoJSON file : points
Converting outputs
OK. Execution took 1.362 ms (4 outputs).
Prepare algorithm: GRASS7V.CLEAN_1
Running v.clean - Toolset for cleaning topology of vector map. [6/16]
Parameters: input =/var/folders/gd/9j5q6zzj6591kmtvd8c349bh0000gp/T/processingce429abd2ff5447ca4a7dabfa662c627/5be5791b22c04b21820d8e093ebbda35/linesLAYER.shp, tool =0, threshold =0.1, GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER =0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0, GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER =-1, GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER =0.0001
g.proj -c proj4="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
v.in.ogr min_area=0.0001 snap=-1 input="/var/folders/gd/9j5q6zzj6591kmtvd8c349bh0000gp/T/processingce429abd2ff5447ca4a7dabfa662c627/5be5791b22c04b21820d8e093ebbda35" layer=linesLAYER output=tmp1571548958782 --overwrite -o
g.region n=0.0 s=0.0 e=0.0 w=0.0 res=100
v.clean input=tmp1571548958782 tool=break threshold="0.1" output=output0cb73a36e81e46dbaaeb862e43d1c60f error=error0cb73a36e81e46dbaaeb862e43d1c60f --overwrite
v.out.ogr -s -e input=output0cb73a36e81e46dbaaeb862e43d1c60f type=auto output="/var/folders/gd/9j5q6zzj6591kmtvd8c349bh0000gp/T/processingce429abd2ff5447ca4a7dabfa662c627/79cff99b57824a24b0156baf70d19383" format=ESRI_Shapefile output_layer=output --overwrite
v.out.ogr -s -e input=error0cb73a36e81e46dbaaeb862e43d1c60f type=auto output="/var/folders/gd/9j5q6zzj6591kmtvd8c349bh0000gp/T/processingce429abd2ff5447ca4a7dabfa662c627/eb020da5f1064c6796573c5b832afb22" format=ESRI_Shapefile output_layer=error --overwrite
WARNING: Default locale settings are missing. GRASS running with C locale.
Starting GRASS GIS...
Executing '/Users/keegan/.qgis2//processing/grass7_batch_job.sh' ...
Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets `g.region -d` should be run in each to update the region from the default
Projection information updated
Over-riding projection check
Check if OGR layer contains polygons...
Importing 939 features (OGR layer )...
Building topology for vector map ...
Registering primitives...

939 primitives registered
8786 vertices registered
Building areas...
0 areas built
0 isles built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
Number of nodes: 1422
Number of primitives: 939
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 939
Number of boundaries: 0
Number of centroids: 0
Number of areas: 0
Number of isles: 0
ERROR: North must be north of South
Note: In latitude-longitude coordinate system specify threshold in degree unit
WARNING: Threshold for tool 1 may not be > 0, set to 0
Tool: Threshold
Break: 0
Copying features...
Rebuilding parts of topology...
Building topology for vector map ...
Registering primitives...

939 primitives registered
8786 vertices registered
Number of nodes: 1422
Number of primitives: 939
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 939
Number of boundaries: 0
Number of centroids: 0
Number of areas: -
Number of isles: -
Tool: Break lines at intersections
Rebuilding topology for output vector map...
Building topology for vector map ...
Registering primitives...

2226 primitives registered
10091 vertices registered
Building areas...
0 areas built
0 isles built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
Number of nodes: 1677
Number of primitives: 2226
Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 2226
Number of boundaries: 0
Number of centroids: 0
Number of areas: 0
Number of isles: 0
Building topology for error vector map...
Building topology for vector map ...
Registering primitives...

1032 primitives registered
1032 vertices registered
Building areas...
0 areas built
0 isles built
Attaching islands...
Attaching centroids...
Number of nodes: 0
Number of primitives: 1032
Number of points: 1032
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 0
Number of centroids: 0
Number of areas: 0
Number of isles: 0
Exporting 2226 features...
v.out.ogr complete. 2226 features (Line String type) written to (ESRI_Shapefile format).
WARNING: No attribute table found -> using only category numbers as attributes
WARNING: Exporting 'cat' anyway, as it is the only attribute table field
Exporting 1032 features...
WARNING: 1032 features without category were skipped. Features without category are written only when -c flag is given.
WARNING: Output layer is empty, no features written
v.out.ogr complete. 0 features (Point type) written to (ESRI_Shapefile format).
Execution of '/Users/keegan/.qgis2//processing/grass7_batch_job.sh' finished.
Cleaning up temporary files...
Converting outputs
OK. Execution took 1.246 ms (2 outputs).
Prepare algorithm: QGISREFACTORFIELDS_1
Running Refactor fields [7/16]
Parameters: INPUT_LAYER =/var/folders/gd/9j5q6zzj6591kmtvd8c349bh0000gp/T/processingce429abd2ff5447ca4a7dabfa662c627/4a0be97dc66c49fd99fdf4d1e484d64f/multipolygonsLAYER.shp, FIELDS_MAPPING =[{'expression': u'"full_id"', 'length': 254, 'type': 10, 'name': u'full_id', 'precision': 0}, {'expression': u'"osm_id"', 'length': 254, 'type': 10, 'name': u'osm_id', 'precision': 0}, {'expression': u'"osm_type"', 'length': 254, 'type': 10, 'name': u'osm_type', 'precision': 0}, {'expression': u"attribute( $currentfeature, 'building' )", 'length': 254, 'type': 10, 'name': u'building', 'precision': 0}, {'expression': u"attribute( $currentfeature, 'name' )", 'length': 254, 'type': 10, 'name': u'name', 'precision': 0}, {'expression': u"attribute( $currentfeature, 'amenity' )", 'length': 254, 'type': 10, 'name': u'amenity', 'precision': 0}, {'expression': u"COALESCE(attribute( $currentfeature, 'addr_city' ) || ', ', '') ||\nCOALESCE(' ' || attribute( $currentfeature, 'addr_stree' ), '') || \nCOALESCE(' ' || attribute( $currentfeature, 'addr_house' ), '')\n", 'length': 254, 'type': 10, 'name': u'address', 'precision': 0}, {'expression': u'$area', 'length': 0, 'type': 2, 'name': u'area', 'precision': 0}]
Converting outputs
OK. Execution took 0.114 ms (1 outputs).
Running Reproject lines [8/16]
Parameters: INPUT =/var/folders/gd/9j5q6zzj6591kmtvd8c349bh0000gp/T/processingce429abd2ff5447ca4a7dabfa662c627/79cff99b57824a24b0156baf70d19383/output.shp
Converting outputs
OK. Execution took 0.220 ms (1 outputs).
Running Extract by location [9/16]
Parameters: INPUT =/var/folders/gd/9j5q6zzj6591kmtvd8c349bh0000gp/T/processingce429abd2ff5447ca4a7dabfa662c627/cc29a2d8a8b04b93b81a142c83d49d8b/OUTPUTLAYER.shp, INTERSECT =/var/folders/gd/9j5q6zzj6591kmtvd8c349bh0000gp/T/processingce429abd2ff5447ca4a7dabfa662c627/1845284fcc174cd5890028502259e6c7/OUTPUT.shp, PREDICATE =[u'within'], PRECISION =0
Converting outputs
OK. Execution took 0.166 ms (1 outputs).
Running Add roads layer [10/16]
Parameters: INPUT_LAYER =/var/folders/gd/9j5q6zzj6591kmtvd8c349bh0000gp/T/processingce429abd2ff5447ca4a7dabfa662c627/0f049c2b3a014c2bb856cc4ad6abb2e4/OUTPUT.shp, LAYER_NAME =roads

Error executing algorithm Add roads layer 'QgsLayerTreeLayer' object has no attribute 'setName' See log for more details
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed May 13, 2020 8:53 pm

I ran into this issue as well. I worked around it by editing:


Comment out line 80 from:



Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:06 pm

I am using GNI FTTH / FTTX / GPON network planning and design software.

I have it installed on a MAC.

I get the same error when I run the first step in the FTTH wizard.

Error executing algorithm Add roads layer 'QgsLayerTreeLayer' object has no attribute 'setName' See log for more details.

I have commented out the lines as suggested and the wizard completes, but the next step in the wizard fails because on the commented lines..

Does anyone have a fix for this?
Posts: 77
Joined: Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:12 pm

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